110+ selected teachings and stories on the study and practice of Tibetan Buddhism
Summarizing Buddhism

What Is Good with Buddhism? (Four Noble Truths)
This is an explanation on the Four Noble Truths. The Four Noble Truths cover the ...

Buddhism Is To Be In Touch With Reality
Buddhism (and Tibetan Buddhism) speaks of reality, and points the way to be in touch ...

Buddhist Rituals and Ceremonies
Question: Why does Tibetan Buddhism have many rituals and ceremonies that do not look “Buddhist”? ...

The Importance of Karma in Buddhism
When one learns any part of Buddhism, Karma is always there. by Khenpo Tashi Karma ...

Becoming Ordinary
Question: I heard Buddhism has many wise teachings. Why is Buddhism hard to understand in ...

Is Buddhism Only for the Mind?
Buddhism serves as a guide for body, speech and mind. by Khenpo Tashi Question: After ...
Beginning Topics

How to Enter the Buddhist Path?
Question: I wish to learn how to become a Buddhist. I have read books about Buddhism and about the teachings ...

Beginner Buddhism: Basic but Complete
In summary, what does the beginner need to know about Buddhism? by Khenpo Tashi (given on several occasions; compiled and ...

Looking For The Right Thing?
Many, many people, young and old, are looking for something when they come to Buddhism. by Khenpo Tashi Some people ...
Selected Articles

Uncontrollable Emotions
Question: Can Buddhist practice subdue one's strong emotions? My friend has been practicing for many years, but still, her emotions ...

The Word ‘Pride’
The word 'pride' we normally talk about, is formally known as "self-grasping" or "self-centeredness". In Tibetan, it is dak-dzin. Dak ...

What is the Use of Faith?
Faith comes from trust on something. It is very important to have faith. by Khenpo Tashi The use of faith ...
You May Like

Trusting the Buddha
Trust in the Triple Gems Is Most Important for a Buddhist by Khenpo Tashi The masters of the past, they ...

Want to Practice Buddhism? Know the Secular Well
Question: I understand the Buddha's message and I have faith in it. Why is it difficult to find time to ...

Two Things We Forget
These are the two things that we sometimes forget as we practice Buddhism. by Khenpo Tashi Rest Don't Expect Quick ...
Teachings Under 400 Words

The Boy ‘Golden Gem’
One time, the Buddha was staying in Jetavana Monastery in Anathapindika’s park with a ...

Focus on One Practice First
There are many lineages or Buddhist traditions. After looking around, we should settle down ...

My Noisy Mind
Question: I have endless thoughts that I cannot quieten. However, I find it difficult ...

What Happens Inside the Shedra? – part 1
Question: I heard that there is a monastic college. What do they teach inside? ...

Practicing Buddhism Gradually
Question: Can I practice Buddhism sincerely in the midst of my job and family? ...

Dzogchen and Other High Teachings
Given during a formal lecture to temple members by Khenpo Tashi As I mentioned ...