by Khenpo Tashi
The Supreme Nirmanakaya of a Buddha is the human body of a Buddha. In this case, this is Buddha Shakyamuni. Of course, in other Buddhafields, there are also numerous Nirmanakayas.
One very special Sutra is the Great Liberation Sutra. We translated and included part of this Sutra here. This segment of the Great Liberation Sutra sheds light on Karma – the cause and effect of thoughts and actions.
These causes and effects are relatable to us – such as beautiful physical characteristics. By translating this here, we want to inspire the reader to adopt as much virtue and to abandon as much non-virtue as possible.
In this Sutra, the Bodhisattva Akasagarbha (Tib.: Namkhai Nyingpo) requested Buddha Shakyamuni to explain the causes of the Thirty Two Excellent Characteristics on the Buddha’s physical body (Tib. Tsen sumchu Tsa nyi). The Buddha agreed to his request and gave this sermon.

The Thirty Two Excellent Marks and their causes:
- Because I (Buddha Shakyamuni) preserved my commitments and vows perfectly, and guarded the perfect discipline, the soles of my feet are very even.
- Because I respectfully welcomed the Teachers, listened to the Dharma, bowed and showed great reverence to erected Stupas and monasteries, Dharma wheels mark the palms of my hands and the soles of my feet.
- Because I never bullied or belittled other beings, my heels are prominent and beautiful.
- Because I thoroughly guarded the Buddhadharma, without letting the Dharma decline (through acts such as listening, studying, practicing and preserving), I obtained long and slender fingers.
- Because I habituated myself on the Four Attractive Qualities of the Bodhisattva (practiced generosity, spoke gently and politely, spoke only things that are beneficial, did only purposeful activities), the middle spaces of my fingers and toes are decorated ornately with light.
- Because I gave excellent clothes, my hands and feet are youthful and soft.
- Because I gave delicious, clean, and utterly nutritious food and drinks, the seven points of my body – the two wrists, two ankles, two shoulders and neck, are round, full and without indentations.
- Because I rejoiced in listening to the Buddhadharma, my calves are slender like that of the Enaya deer.
- Because I never talked about other people’s faults, my penis is delicately and gracefully hidden under a sheath.
- Because I habituated on the ten virtues, my torso is wide and well-formed, as expansive as a lion’s.
- Because I fully adopted virtuous acts and always taught them to sentient beings, my shoulders are high and well-formed.
- Because i served as a protector of and refuge to those who are afraid, my shoulder areas are beautiful.
- Because I felt devotion while helping others build temples and stupas, and I never refused any poor person who asked for my help, my arms are long and beautiful (and when seated, they can cover his kneecaps without having to bend his body).
- Because I always did the virtue of saving lives and promoting lives to live longer, I have a great and upright physique.
- Because I gave precious medicine to the sick, bringing them back to health and giving nourishing food, any food that touches my tongue tastes exquisite and delicious.
- Because from a very long time ago, I already abandoned nonsense chatter and only said what is appropriate on every occasion, my cheeks are round, full and beautiful like that of a lion’s.
- Because I treated all sentient beings equally, I have complete forty teeth.
- Because I helped bring unharmonious people together, my teeth are evenly spread without gaps.
- Because I gave precious jewels, my teeth are evenly of the same height.
- Because I fully purified my body, speech and mind (through the ten virtues), my teeth are fully white.
- Because I refrained from speaking hurtful and sinful things, my tongue is flexible and thin.
- Since I always spoke softly and gently to sentient beings, i obtained the melodious voice of Brahma (the god of creation).
- Because i have meditated and practiced the mind of unconditional love, and I looked at beings with loving-kindness, the line which separates the white and black portions of my eyes is clear.
- Because I bound my mind to practice the unsurpassed Bodhicitta (mind of Enlightenment), I obtained the long, untangled, beautifully curved eyelashes of a heifer (the chief of female cows).
- Because I rejoiced and praised in the merits and qualities of others, the space between my eyebrows is adorned with coiled, supple hair that emit light.
- Because I venerated and respected my father, mother, Khenpos and Loppons, Lamas (Buddhist teachers and masters) and so on, I obtained the protruberance on the crown of my head.
- Because I generated devotion to the Mahayana Buddhadharma, my skin is soft and it looks smooth when seen.
- Because I gave seat cushions, clothings, houses, excellent places, I obtained a golden, radiant appearance.
- Because I abandoned speaking of caring for worldly and useless activities, all my bodily hair gently coil clockwise.
- Because I thoroughly adopted the words of the teachings of the spiritual friend, Khenpos and Lamas, increased my engagement with them and did not create obstacles, the hair on my limbs grow in an upward direction.
- Because I practiced uncountable qualities (like meditating, helping others, all the good qualities and so on), my feet are well-set upon the ground.
- Because I encouraged sentient beings to practice Samadhi, my body is beautiful and well proportioned like the Nyadrodha (banyan) tree.
From the Great Liberation Sutra. Translated by Khenpo Tashi and Alex Co