Thinking About the Triple Gems
Question: It is said that when we truly think about the Triple Gems, we cannot help but cry. Why is […]
Question: It is said that when we truly think about the Triple Gems, we cannot help but cry. Why is […]
by Khenpo Tashi The Supreme Nirmanakaya of a Buddha is the human body of a Buddha. In this case, this […]
During the first fifteen days of the Lunar year, this festival is celebrated. The fifteenth day is the main day […]
The Challenge and Preparation The Brother of King Bimbisara King Bimbisara was a king who had a firm faith in […]
Adapted version. Sutra of Wise and Foolish. Translated by Stanley Frye The Enlightened One was residing at Jetavana Monastery in Anathapindika’s […]
Many eons ago, the Dharma was not widely available. Based on the Karma, merit and aspirations of the sentient beings […]
Upagupta is not widely known in the Buddhist world. He, however, is the fourth Patriarch who preserved all the teachings, […]
On the power of making aspirations by Khenpo Tashi There was this master, Changkya Rolpe Dorje (Tib: lcang skya rol […]