The Twelve Aspirations of Medicine Buddha
In my pure land, may all beings exhibit the 32 major marks and the 80 minor marks of a Buddha. […]
In my pure land, may all beings exhibit the 32 major marks and the 80 minor marks of a Buddha. […]
In reality, ‘mind’ in Buddhism is inseparable from wisdom. Wisdom is based on the perfectly clear mind. by Khenpo Tashi […]
On the nature of habitual tendencies by Khenpo Tashi Question: I have practiced Vajrasattva purification. But my desire for beautiful […]
Trust in the Triple Gems Is Most Important for a Buddhist by Khenpo Tashi The masters of the past, they […]
Many, many people, young and old, are looking for something when they come to Buddhism. by Khenpo Tashi Some people […]
Represents the Mind of the Buddha by Khenpo Tashi I want to talk about the Stupa. Because normally, when people […]
Just focus on Buddha Amitabha. Just practicing Buddha Amitabha is more than enough for one’s entire life. by Khenpo Tashi […]
How does a Buddha’s mind look like? It has uncountable and wondrous qualities. Here are some of them. By Khenpo […]
Given to some temple members before introducing a topic by Khenpo Tashi When Buddha Shakyamuni was about to give the […]