Merit: Further Explanation Part 2
Deeper Explanation of Merit – second part. And Ways How to Earn Merit by Khenpo Tashi Here is the previous […]
Deeper Explanation of Merit – second part. And Ways How to Earn Merit by Khenpo Tashi Here is the previous […]
On the pervasiveness of Samsara. Given on two occasions. by Khenpo Tashi Samsaric Efforts are Endless Ok, should we experience […]
Question: It is said that when we truly think about the Triple Gems, we cannot help but cry. Why is […]
Question: Why do some Buddhist masters suggest that a student learns Tibetan language? Can we just study Tibetan Buddhism in […]
Given before a teaching on the tradition of Oral Transmission by Khenpo Tashi Question: What is the purpose of Oral […]
Question: What is ‘oral transmission’? What is the importance of this? What is the difference between receiving an oral transmission […]
‘Emptiness’ is always mistaken for ‘nothingness’. That is dangerous. by Khenpo Tashi Normally, many people think that Buddhism’s goal is […]
Given during a formal lecture with some members of the temple by Khenpo Tashi The Purpose In the past, when […]
There are those who are brave. Instead of being worried about the pains of suffering in one’s life, they use […]